Taylor Swift fan, 18, left slurring her words and unable to walk after ‘being spiked’ at popstar’s Eras Tour concert in Liverpool



A teenage Taylor Swift fan was left slurring her words, unable to walk, and believes she was spiked at the Eras Tour concert in Liverpool


Taylor Swift fan, 18, left slurring her words and unable to walk after 'being spiked' at popstar's Eras Tour concert in Liverpool

Grace McAleavy, 18, started getting confused and slurred her words while she watched the megastar perform at Liverpool’s Anfield Stadium on Friday June 14.

She said she felt fine before the show started and hadn’t drunk any alcohol – but when Taylor started her ‘1989’ set, she thought she was going to be sick.

The teenager then started slurring her words and eventually was unable to walk – and now she believes she was spiked at the sold-out gig.

I couldn’t understand what anyone was saying, even when they were trying to ask me really simple questions.

‘I was non-stop shaking and I was weirdly cold – they couldn’t get my pulse because of how cold my hands were.

‘It was mentioned that I had maybe had a bug or something but I haven’t been ill since the concert.

‘I felt hungover the next day and I slept for an unusually long amount of time – I felt out of my body and that I needed more sleep and I didn’t want to do anything.’

The teenager also went to see the ‘Shake it Off’ singer on Thursday June 13 and she says that both times she went, staff at the venue didn’t check her bag.

Grace said: ‘At every other concert I’ve been to, they had tables where they will empty your bag and have a look in it.


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